Shades Of Khaki...
Me: Hello! I'm Michael Tornato from theTrendyDwarf...can I take your picture for my blog? Him: Uh...Ummm...I'm only in my Vans and jacket...I guess you can.
Cobalt Blue And A Louie V...
Spirited Magazine #4 Pt. 2...
Spirited Magazine Number Four Pt.1...
This is the first post of a series of posts which I will dedicate to the Spirited event which I was invited to a couple weeks ago. It was the release party for the fourth edition of the magazine. This time, the magazine is not only online BUT it can be physically acquired by purchasing it online and at the Lorem Ipsum book store in Cambridge. It is a great accomplishment for the magazine and Amanda the Editor-In-Chief of Spirited. I am so happy for her and I thank her very much for inviting me to the release party!